

It’s been a while so I thought I had better make an effort to get something posted. When logging in there were several comments to approve…… spam obviously but you have to wonder what kind of idiot thinks these up, or falls for them. Seriously it is vague useless crap that tries to make it…

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Well, not long now. Just under two months and then its carnage again as NaNoWriMo starts again. I didn’t do too good last year only managing 12k words. I am picking a different project and different genre this year, and I am positive I will get it done and finished this time….. honest. Will post…

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Went to a carboot the other day and there is a permanent book/video shop there is a shed of some sort. It hasn’t been open when I have been before but was this time so i called in. Loads of books, looks like an old fashioned bookshop, I liked it. Plenty of books in the…

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Sunday Night

I’m sat at my desk looking out my front room window at the green, I have the Social Network playing on the tv. The family are all out apart form my son and his girlfriend in his room. My life is so exciting, I might have to get back to the short story I have…

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Results day

Well its results day for my kids, and i’m dissapointed again. I love my kids but I can’t sem to drill in how bad things are in the real world, they just do the bare minimum and then when they fail say things like, “I don’t know what I can do” What can I do…

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