Almost a new year
It’s the 30th December 2024 and we have one more say before the dawn of…
It’s the 30th December 2024 and we have one more say before the dawn of a new year. I haven’t made any concrete plans for 2025 other than some sweeping goals I would like to achieve. The first one is to start regular writing and, in that vein, complete the first draft of Rise of…
I have spent the last few weeks watching videos on Readers and eInk displays. I have a Kindle Scribe coming and today I have just ordered the Remarkable Paper Pro. A very expensive device and between the two that’s over 1k I have spent in a couple of purchases. I am banking a lot on…
I was unprepared for NaNo but I was going to do it anyway. Then I was hit with another bout of Cellulitis infection. Not a nice thing to get and this time it was considerably worse than last time. This meant I was quite ill for over a week so got nothing done. Then I…
Well, it is almost midnight on the 31st of October, and although I would normally have a good plan in place for NaNo by now, this year I don’t really have anything prepped. I had planned to pick up my Fantasy novel Rise of the Fallen and see if I could finish it, but given…
All checked in and in my room for the weekend. I am looking forward to the panels and books. I will be doing a proper post with some more info but just thought I would share this one, went to the lift and noticed above the toilet doors, that there were… toilets 🙂 Off to…
I have a problem…. they say the first step to getting help is to admit you have a problem. I do! I have a hoarding mentality and because of this, I have several collections. Dice/Cards/Books/Cups and many other things. So tech is something that didn’t escape. In my office, I have 3 desks now. The…
I had a plan for this weekend, and although I have done some of what I wanted to achieve I haven’t managed to get the main thing done that I needed to this weekend. This was continuing with the UI Path training, I still have some time to get some done but I am not…
It’s been months since I have posted on this blog, not that anyone reads it but the act of putting down some words is usually cathartic for me. I plan a lot and normally don’t get far but at least it gets me doing something. Lately, my main focus has been reading, I joined a…
There is a big thing about imposter syndrome when it comes to writers, it’s not just something that beginners suffer from. I was watching a video from YouTuber Beard of Darkness the other day where he was interviewing Raymond E Feist (the legend) and even he said he still suffers from this when he sits…
You know I miss going to a video shop, looking for something good then coming home to watch it. Just not the same sitting down and looking for ages at what’s on all of the 500 streaming services. Takes me back to when the kids were little and on a Friday night we would pop…