

I just read my bio when checking the last post and had to chuckle, it states I created this blog to refine my writing after failing Nano last year, this proves the Procrastination as there has been nothing since then. Sigh, at least I have started now, even though this years Nano is only a…

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Started to read through the first training booklet, it makes good reading although at the moment there isn’t anything I haven’t read before in other books. I am happy at starting finally at last. Got my laptop at work so I can start some writing at lunch. Will update later G

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The Writers Bureau

I got tired of the endless Procrastination and the debilitating self doubt so I have signed up with the Writers Bureau for the Comprehensive Writing Course, I know some people do not like that sort of course but when people are useless like me at getting in gear and need the kick up the butt…

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