
NaNo failing

Well for all my planning it’s happening again. A mix of time to get the writing done and lack of planning. The first three chapters went quite well, but then I hit a wall and just didn’t know how to move the story forward. I have been stuck at this for days. As a result…

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NaNo Journey

Well it has been a rocky start, I didn’t prioritize properly last week and so my numbers are dismal. According to the NaNo stats below I am severely behind. but it isn’t over yet and as long as I stick to the daily count I can still finish. I am going to have a blast…

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I know what I have to do….. I know when I need to do it by….. and yet it is a day until the start of NaNo and although I have done significantly more planning than other years I still don’t think I have done enough, I wanted a fully planned out novel this time…

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Posh cafes

I miss the good old days when there was a local cafe that you could go in and get normal English food, for a reasonable price. Today these cafes like to think they are something they are not. The town I live in isn’t that big and yet it has a rediculus amount of charity…

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Getting in the zone

I really would love to know why 11:30 seems to be the sweet spot for me. This is the time when i start looking at what i should be doing with writing…. not the entire night leading up to this point but the point where i should be thinking of going to bed. This is…

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