NaNoWriMo 2015

I had so many plans for this years NaNo, you tube videos, blog posts etc, I should have known I wouldn’t have the time to do this, but I am optimistic each year. Well the image says it all, I was worried from the first day that I would fail again as I could never…

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Make or break

As usual I have fallen behind, don’t seem to get as much time on a night as I would like and when I am writing I cannot seem to quiet my inner voice telling me what I am writing is crap! Not the story, just the writing I am not happy with it. This weekend…

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NaNo Update

Short one as I want to do some writing before I turn in for the night. 9 Days in and I am a few thousand behind, I need to try and do a little more for the next few days and then at the weekend have a long sprint to bring myself back on track….

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NaNoWriMo 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015 has started, 30 days to do 50k words. Here we go again 🙂 Going to do a few words then get up early to get a good start with it. I have spent some time outlining this year so I have direction throughout the whole story. Previously I have known where eI am…

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Yea… so that didn’t work, over a month and no posts. Now we are less than a day from the beginning of NaNoWriMo and I need to start posting, an update on what I am dong will be incoming later today and then I will be trying to update my progress during the month on…

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Fantastic 4

I have been hearing since this film came out that it is terrible, one of the biggest flops of the year, this has made me lethargic about seeing it. But it was never going to stop me as I am fond of saying and as some friends point out I am easily pleased. Unfortunately, this…

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I was just reading an article from Writers Magazine Sept15 (Back to School) and in the first paragraph it has the passage: “You’re not a proper writer if you don’t get excited by new pens, notebooks and Post-It notes” This made me chuckle because although I am very tech savvy and have many gadgets I…

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