I have been procrastinated…..

So I was getting quite prolific and was quite happy with the result, but it seems my inner Chimp won out…

When I finished watching Boston Legal I had intended not watching any more TV as it is very distracting for me and I always end up binge watching TV shows and getting nothing done. But procrastination won out and I started watching Community, a comedy show.

In the last week or so I have bulk watched 6 seasons of it, I am tired just thinking about it. I am going to have to try my best to not start watching anything else now.

It would seem the timing is good as it is the end of September and so while people I know are doing “Stoptober” for drinking, or accessing Facebook I think I will do watching TV shows in my office.

I still want the option of watching something with the family, but in the office I need to make sure I stay productive as I am also going to start a more productive Gym and fitness routine as in the last few weeks I fell off the wagon….. then of the cliff and haven’t done anything.


So, without coming up with a new mantra, lets hope I can stick to this and make sure I am ready for NaNoWriMo in November (post incoming)

See you in the funny papers!

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