“Whatever you say, say it with conviction”
-Mark Twain
It’s ok for your first draft to be crappy, I think I have taken this particular advice to heart… allot of my first drafts are terrible. But using the ethos of NaNoWriMo I use the first draft as just a way to get the story on the page. Not exactly pantsing as I do like to have an outline as it helps me get through and not stutter and stop half way through. So, just type and get the story/article/post down and then if it isn’t a polished gem, you can got o work and revise until it is the polished gem that you are going to submit.
See your first draft as a beginning, you haven’t got to the end of your journey, the hard work is just starting.
Take this advice and like me you wont hate your finished work too much, you may think its naff and needs allot of work but as long as you know that going in you can persevere until your ready to show it to the world.