Starting to think of NaNo and writing….


It’s getting close again although it shocking to say that. Can’t believe how fast the year is going, nearly September and I am signing up for some free workshops and taster courses to do in September. One of them is meant to help with preparing for Nano. I always seem to struggle for some reason with nano and only one year have I managed to finish. I really would like to complete it again and add another novel (that needs major rewrite and editing) to the shelf. Would be nice to get some feedback as well as that is one of my major anxieties with writing, I read my staff and think it’s rubbish. A normal writer problem but something that I feel feedback would help with. This is one of the reasons I considered a Creative Writing degree as I would get that mentoring and feedback and hopefully bu the end of something like this I would be relatively comfortable with my writing. But costs and circumstances have meant I can’t do this just now.

So instead I need to look at other options to do something to get me more comfortable with my writing and something to help me work more on structure and dialogue. Making sure that instead of making plans and saying what I am going to do, do it! then update on what I have been up to and what I have done to further my writing career.

In the meantime, I will be getting ready for Nano and try to ensure I have a proper fleshed out plan and characters this time so I don’t stall at any point. I love weaving the stories and worldbuilding but this can also be a major source of procrastination for me and I need to balance this with actually producing something as well.

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