It is coming to the end of the holiday to Flamingo Land, I will soon have to go back to work and settle back into my routine of work work and more work…..
I have managed to not stick to anything I said I was going to do for new year, following the advice of a fellow blogger in May I am going to attempt to write something on this blog everyday. Even if it is just what I have done that day it will get me into a routine of writing everyday.
I am also going to start charting what I am doign to pursue my dream of becoming a writer. For now I have started to read up on world building. What I would like to do is build a universe in which I can set any amount of books or short stories. Seperate and yet all within the same universe. This will allow me to build up something which can be used for anything, I will still have to come up with all races and worlds but I have plenty of ideas to keep me going.
Anyway I need to get to bed now as it is a busy day tomorrow.