Today I let the inner Geek out… I attended my first convention, it’s not that I didn’t want to go before now. It’s just that they are all too far away or too expensive. I got a ticket for Newcastle Film & Comic-con went with a friend yesterday and had a brilliant time.
The venue wasn’t very big considering the amount of people there but it is the best Newcastle could offer I guess. We arrived at 9am and got in after waiting maybe 20 minutes, one we were in there was the main floor where all of the stalls were and 2 stages at either side where the talks were going ahead.
It’s fair to say I would have happily bankrupted myself in there, the things on sale were fantastic and I was quite reserved only spending £45 for the day including parking and food. The talks were really good and it was strange to hear stars that I have watched for a long time in the flesh talking and having a laugh. Was strange to see Chris Judge smiling and laughing as his character is so serious, and Cat (Danny Jon Jules) was great. I really enjoyed it.
The only issues we had were there was only one cash machine and this was ridiculous given the amount of people going so the queues were crazy. It was also like a cattle market, but then I expected as much being what it was. After I got home and checked out the forum it seem there was allot of problems I was not aware of outside with people not getting in and queuing for hours but then as soon as I saw the tickets going on sale I knew we had to get the early bird ones because of the amount of people that would be going.
All in all a great day out.