At the same time this is extremely useful and the bane of my bloody life, sometimes I wish I could be like the less technological friends of mine, they are not on FB, don’t bother with computers that much, god knows if they miss anything at all but I find I cannot let go of the online social life… I have tried on several occasions and the first thing i do when I pickup my phone is check FB, email etc etc….
Had a conversation with the daughter tonight and when I mentioned that I grew up with no phone and no internet, the look on her face was priceless. another world, very different to today, but then that isn’t just the tech. I have a very different relationship with my kids than I had with my father, a sign of the times they say.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with the way things are now, but sometimes you wonder what it would be like being a parent back in the days before all of this technology insinuated its way into our lives.
What did my dad do with his time.. I have too much I want to do and not enough time to do any of it, but maybe that is just the procrastination talking, I should have time to do anything I want, I just need to commit, and ironically stop tasking about what I need to do and so what I want to do.
To quote the infamous Shia LeBeuf “JUST DO IT!!”