Think of the Children….

This rant is brought to you from the Writing Magazine (August 14) the article was called Think of the Children. It covers an author called Loraine Mace and the books she wrote starring Vlad the Inhaler, this is a YA fantasy book with vampires in it. Seems she was subject to the age old fools…

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There a quite a few things going on in my life at the moment that I am not going to go into here but it is adding to the stress and getting in the way of what I need to get done 🙁 I am writing this to get me in the mood for spending…

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NaNo and writing

After reading a post on a fellow writers Blog it has spurred me on to actually post something in here. My NaNo journey is plodding along, I have managed to stay on target and I need to have a blast this weekend to get out ahead as I always end up where I have days…

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