May Blog Challenge

Not long ago I read a blog post by Barry Milford where he took on an April challenge to write 1000 words a day for the month of April. I missed the chance then but decided I would try something similar in May, I am not going to write 1000 words a day, but… I…

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There a quite a few things going on in my life at the moment that I am not going to go into here but it is adding to the stress and getting in the way of what I need to get done 🙁 I am writing this to get me in the mood for spending…

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NaNo and writing

After reading a post on a fellow writers Blog it has spurred me on to actually post something in here. My NaNo journey is plodding along, I have managed to stay on target and I need to have a blast this weekend to get out ahead as I always end up where I have days…

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