Day off and NaNo 2024 start

Well, it is almost midnight on the 31st of October, and although I would normally have a good plan in place for NaNo by now, this year I don’t really have anything prepped. I had planned to pick up my Fantasy novel Rise of the Fallen and see if I could finish it, but given…

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What’s the score…

It’s been months since I have posted on this blog, not that anyone reads it but the act of putting down some words is usually cathartic for me. I plan a lot and normally don’t get far but at least it gets me doing something. Lately, my main focus has been reading, I joined a…

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My Writing life…

There is a big thing about imposter syndrome when it comes to writers, it’s not just something that beginners suffer from. I was watching a video from YouTuber Beard of Darkness the other day where he was interviewing Raymond E Feist (the legend) and even he said he still suffers from this when he sits…

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Well 2024 is in full swing now, a month done and as usual it seems to be barreling by really fast. I have planned and for the most part, I have been keeping a small daily journal going although this is more like a small glance as it is for the 5 year diary. I…

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It is now the latter half of January, that point when Christmas is long in the past and you are desperate for payday. roll on this Friday so I can have money again. November and NaNo came and went, I didn’t put in enough time before so not enough planning was done. Early on in…

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Fantasy Con

It’s getting closer to the end of the month and after our family holiday in September, I will be going to the British Fantasy Society’s Fantasy Con event. Lots of panels, stalls, and more importantly books. It’s a bit daunting as I am off down on my own but from the looks of it, I…

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Productivity and the Challenge

I watch some you-tubers and I have watched/read interviews with authors on how they are so productive. I have tried at home to be more productive but despite having no young kids anymore I can’t seem to get it to work for me, I can have a solid 4 hours in my office and manage…

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