What’s the score…

It’s been months since I have posted on this blog, not that anyone reads it but the act of putting down some words is usually cathartic for me. I plan a lot and normally don’t get far but at least it gets me doing something.

Lately, my main focus has been reading, I joined a Waterstones Fantasy book club and we read the first book the Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi, it was a fantasy pirate-type book and I quite enjoyed it. Then there was The Book That Wouldn’t Burn, which was amazing. The next was My name is Morgan, I didn’t enjoy this one and it was DNF’d. After this we read Ink Blood Sister Scribe. this was very good. We just finished Brandon Sandersons Frugal Wizards which I thought was good, although much of the group were not a fan. We are now reading The Future by Naomi Alderman, we shall see how I get on with this one.

I have also been reading a few books for the British Fantasy Society’s awards. Best Collection. This should be over soon and then I will be free to read some more of my own books.

Writing hasn’t gone far. I haven’t managed to write any short stories and haven’t completed the outlining for the Fantasy or sci-fi project. I was keeping a five-year diary (and still am, although I need to remember it daily), and I have the diary with the idea of planning more. It isn’t working as I envisioned, as I miss days or sometimes weeks, and although I am completing it, nothing is pushing me to meet targets.

Life is good, doing things with family and planning the trips I have coming up. The car is ready for car camping after the ABR Festival, I need to start doing this more to get out and relax.

The next trip I have coming up is Chester for Fantasycon. I am really looking forward to this.

Anyway, time to crack on. Hopefully, I will have something good to update soon in the writing area.

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