
Student lecturing the teacher :)

This story seems to be making the rounds at the moment, a student in the US is raging at his teacher. Not sure what happened before one of the students turned on the camera but he seems to be taking offence at the way the teach is delivering the learning. Giving out packets of information…

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Scams Awareness Month

That’s right people its Scam awareness month, time to start looking at those messages for what they really are…. a load of rubbish. Literally 5 minutes ago I was looking at my Facebook account and another person I know has “shared” a photo of a load of Macbooks that “cannot” be sold as they have…

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To Boldly Go……

This is it, tomorrow night I am off to see Star Trek – Into Darkness, from the trailers it looks amazing, but then I am biased as I love Star TRek. Going to see it with my best friend, who also likes Star Trek but doesn’t really like the direction the last film took, his…

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3D Printed Gun Fired Successfully

The group Defense Distributed in Austin, Texas has printed a 3D gun and successfully fired it. It took them a year to develop and they have said that they plan to release the blueprints online. Sure to be a massive warning bell for the manufacturing industry as 3d printing becomes more and more consumer friendly….

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I have many hobbies and like a typical Procrastinator I only ever seem to start them and not go far, this blog for instance is me trying to further a couple of these goals. Writing has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember so to take things forward seems like…

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Ok, so I have been busy tonight and only just managed to get on, I know that technically I have missed a day, but as I haven’t been to bed yet I am not going to class this as a miss. As long as I still post later on today 🙂 Started on the addiction…

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