
Stand Up Desk :)

I was browsing the Pulse app on my tablet and I came on an article from the IT blog It was about changing your workplace into the stand up desk concept. The idea is that when working standing up you are more productive, it seems like a strange idea and yet part of me wishes…

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Uni at last

So, i`m sat in the cafe in the student union building. Starting my first day back, I finished a HND in 2006 and have just came back to do the last two years of the Bsc Honours degree In Computing. I think in an effort to get me writing I am going to do some…

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So, its almost September. Two months until the crazy people start that mad dash to complete 50k words in a month. I have attempted this feat for the last two years and coincidentally both years I have stalled at around 11k words. I am determined that this year I will not fail, so I am…

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B Day

Well it’s time, Saturday is Batman day. Off to see it with a friend, cannot wait! Have to say the first batman was fantastic, then the franchise went downhill to that catastrophe Batman & Robin………. The reboot was a master-stroke, absolutely love Nolans version of Batman. It is a pity that this latest one is…

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When I think of my “writing” career and what I would like to achieve I despair. I have so many ideas and rather than take the time to get them done, I sit on this pc for hours on end and don’t seem to achieve anything. I have this blog, which sits here with a comment every month…

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Taxi please……

So i’m sat here again just past 2am waiting for the bloody kids to let me know when it is ok to pick them up from the club….. I wonder how I ended up doing this all the time, when I was a kid I never had my dad picking me up all the time….

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The death of the book – Not!

I keep reading articles talking about the death of the printed book as the Ebook revolution continues. It always makes me smile. Given the calls when the DVD was released that CD’s were a dead format and the same calls when BluRay was standardised that the DVD was dead. yet both formats are being produced…

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