I can be quite an opinionated person, for those of you that know me you are probably rolling your eyes now….
I was reading a news item in the November copy of Writing Magazine called Name Dropping. It was talking about Charles Dickens giving his characters strange last names and then talking about celebs calling their children strange names and how the trend can sometimes be followed by people.
Now it mentions Posh and Becks, I actively dislike this couple not because they are famous or because they are rich, it is because of the stupid names they have called this children I mean Brooklyn (because that is where he was conceived…..) Romeo (seriously) Cruz ??? and Harper ???? I know it is a personal decision to name your children but when I named mine I thought about their entire lives and what they would have to grow up with, people who call their kids these stupid names deserve a slap to wake them up. I mean those kids probably don’t suffer for it as they will go to schools where the parents pay so that it doesn’t happen. A good test of a name would be to drop them in a public school and see if they have problems, if they want to use these daft and ridiculous names, get a hamster!!
In the article it goes on to say that Jamie Oliver has names his kids Poppy Honey, Daisy Boo, Petal Blossom and Buddy Bear……. seriously, I’m actually getting angry right now???
There is nothing as weird as people!
now what can I name my new puppy……. I know, Dave!