Tv Procrastination

I can’t seem to stop myself, every time I finish a series instead of using that time to write or do my web design course I start again. The latest one I am watching is suits, don’t get me wrong when I am watching it I don’t mind as it is a brilliant show, but…

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My Sci-Fi Universe

A while ago I started creating a universe full of races and alliances so that I could then create stories and novels all based in the same universe, this would allow me to introduce characters and civilisations in shorts or novels and then let them cross over. Something that I have seen in others writing…

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September NaNo

So I was a bit premature saying I could try this for August, the main reason I consistently fail NaNo is lack of planning. Added to that I am going to be helping a friend edit his book over the next few weeks so I think I need to use the time to do some…

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I just wrote a massive blog styled post and then when I tried to post it, something went wrong and I lost the whole thing….. The rage is threatening to take over, it is fast turning out to be a very frustrating day!

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Send a message

I’m not sure if I am just not like other writers but I have no thought to a message behind my writing. I just want to create an expansive series of books for others to enjoy. When I achieve this dream someone, somewhere will unearth the real message behind my writing. Whatever that is…..  

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Test from Links

This post was done using the text based browser links, from Linux mint. I really do love the way Linux makes me go right back to the early days of using the command line, while managing to stay with the times.

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Shattered Worlds clip

A Bounty Hunter, caught infiltrating Alliance space. This was the test, sitting in the middle of the second fleet with dozens of cannons pointing at you and not shitting your pants and running, Garrix held his finger over the activation for the emergency wormhole generator, not something that you want to use unless absolutely necessary…

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