I often remark to my grown up kids (18,19) at the lack of skills with computers in their generation, when I was their age I was playing around in DOS and writing silly little programs in basic, that is the kind of thing that got me into wanting to work with computers.
If the PC in my lads room broke they would be at a complete loss on how to sort it out and they wouldn’t know where to start with programming. This is why I was excited at the news of the Raspberry Pi, finally something that would enable the youth of today tog et into computers and programming, maybe there was hope for my 12 year old yet….
I have two Pi’s myself and have used one of them for a Media Centre using RaspXbmc in my office, I am very impressed with it for the price. The other has the Raspberry OS installed so I can start having a play with it.
There is a news item on the BBC website about Google donating 15,000 Pi’s to schools in the UK with the view of creating a new generation of Computer Scientists.
we can hope, would be nice to have someone else in the family that was interested in computers.
Link : BBC News – Raspberry Pi