
I know what I have to do….. I know when I need to do it by…..

and yet it is a day until the start of NaNo and although I have done significantly more planning than other years I still don’t think I have done enough, I wanted a fully planned out novel this time so that I didn’t fail……

Well I still have tomorrow, all I need to do tomorrow is get a haircut and then I can finalize the prep.

I am wondering what to do  to track the month as well. I wanted to do a NaNo Vlog to track my progress but I know what I am like for not getting the time to do something like this, especially when I am working etc. I think I may have to aim for weekly updates so that I have plenty of time on the weekend to do a video. I am going to be using this blog to also track the progress.

Not feeling too good now so I am going to go to bed so I have a fresh start tomorrow.

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