18th June 2017 – Motorbike

So I am a biker, something I wished I had done when I was 17, especially given what it cost and the hoops when I finally did do it. But at least I did it in the end. 6 years ago I passed my. test and apart from a small window I have always had…

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17th June 2017 – Just in case

I have done so well so far and almost finished a post for today but didn’t get it done and I’m not at my conputer now. But…. just came out for a drink with friends sonjust in case I don’t get to finish it later this is my post for the day. Just to make…

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12th June 2017 – A Facebook rant!

I have a love/Hate relationship with a few websites none more so than Facebook. It’s one of those sites that people generally either love or hate, I do both. I think it is brilliant for keeping in contact with friends and family that you might not speak to very often, sharing pictures and keeping up…

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