Cafe Writer

I have finally joined the long tradition of writing on a laptop in a cafe, well a Costa. Something about sitting here writing just makes it feel good, wish I could get the motivation more often, I might actually have something finished that way. Maybe this is what I should be doing instead of trying…

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Tough Guy 2015

The time is almost here when I go down to Wolverhampton for the bi annual race at Tough Guy. This year it seems allot colder than last year and that should being it back to what it was like a few years ago. I am looking forward to being back with the special forces and…

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Quote :)

“If you wrote something for which someone sent you a check, if you cashed the check and it didn’t bounce, and if you then paid the light bill with the money, I consider you talented.” – Stephen King

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To assist in my 2015 goals (I nearly called them resolutions there) I decided to try a challenge, a Writer I was looking at a while ago was doing a story a week which I thought was amazing. Unfortunately that is an unrealistic goal for me, but I could do a story a month. So…

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Nearly new year…..

It’s that time of year again and it’s time to start thinking of goals that I want to achieve in 2015. I loath to use the term resolutions but in effect even though I am calling them goals it is the same thing. So here is the basic list (in no particular order) of what…

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Master of procrastination

I’m sure no one is reading my blog at the moment (if you are feel free to comment to let me know) but if you are reading back and see this you will notice that I have allot of posts that proclaim I am tired of being unfit, not writing etc etc and then declaring…

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Another Failiure

Well, NaNoWriMo ended and I have officially failed at NaNo for the 5th year running. I had no time reason this year for the failure it is literally just hitting a wall due to not knowing where to take the story and not doing enough setup beforehand. I think the stream of conciousness writing isn’t…

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