
Leap year

Well, the new plan is going ok. starting to achieve some things now slowly. Not quite formed habits yet but who knows, I may be on the way 🙂 Sneezed today and caused an intercostal muscle strain… so now the ribs hurt and when I sneeze/cough it hurts allot! Just been doing some worldbuilding again…

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I can’t quite believe how fast the year is going. Something I have managed to do regularly is read which is something that I love and had started to really get back into it. If I keep going as I am then I will meet my Goodreads goal of 20 books. Onto book 3 of…

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February update

I have started moving in the right direction. But, not as fast as I expected. Not just because of laziness this time though. My mother in law was in the hospital for a few weeks and then the daughter was having a baby, they have been with us for a couple of weeks so this…

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Update and beyond 2020

It’s been a while since I have given an update and a bit has changed. This post is not going to be a new year new me post…. but it will share some similarities. 🙂 So NaNo was a bust for me, I just didn’t plan enough and like I have most years I got…

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Procrastination and NaNo

“Anyone who procrastinates will find it difficult to get published. You have to work, every day, on improving your craft. Otherwise, you won’t improve” This quote was in Writing Magazine on October 19 by Vaseem Khan. It struck a chord with me as I am one of these people. I do the odd post on…

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Wow, over three months

Well…. Over 3 months since the last update and given the last one was NaNo related I find it bizarre that this one is coming close to the end of October, which means Pumpkin carving time.. oh, and NaNo!! So i have been off work for a week and I have one more day (Sunday)…

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NaNo Update

Well… I am sure it’s a shock but I haven’t been doing too much writing in the last week, Although I have done more than I would have if it wasn’t nano. I have around 3 short stories at first draft. and a couple more that I am on with. So I have some progress….

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Camp NaNo

It’s July and that means that at the end of June someone reminded me that it was nano and I declared I was going to do it again this year. Then I didn’t do much for a few days. I decided that this year instead of focusing on one project I was going to try…

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Social media = Procrastination

I have been thinking for a while now what it would be like to not be on social media, how much more could I get done with my time. But.. I am suffering from the “fear of missing out” how much would I really miss if I took the plunge and deleted the apps from…

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The decline in Computing in schools

I was reading the news today on the BBC and noticed their article about the falling numbers in students completing the Computing qualification. It seems that in the last few years there has been a steady decline in the numbers of students completing this course. It’s strange to think that when the Computing course was…

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