NaNo Failure

Partway into October, I started planning my Nano project, but being as it’s me I got bogged down in world-building and plotting characters. The result was the start of Nano and I only had the Prologue, chapter 1, and how I wanted it to end. Because of this lack of planning and no proper outlining,…

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2 1/2 months since the last post… I named this blog well. Looking back through the posts it’s a lot of me making plans that don’t seem to go anywhere. Wish I could work out a way to get this done.

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Checking in

It’s been two months (to the day), I did say that I wasn’t going to have these long gaps and that using this blog I would start to be a bit more productive. But, as usual, my plans didn’t go off as they should. I flip from one thing to another getting nothing finished. I’m…

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Captain, my Captain

So this is the first post in a while that isn’t going to be droning on about writing or relearning teach. I know crazy right… Instead, I felt the need to post an unpaid advertisement for a new drink I purchased tonight. Captain Morgans Tiki, it’s a Mango and Pineapple drink. I don’t usually do…

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Working on updates

It’s been a while again, I haven’t gone very far with my writing as usual. I have been working more on updating my tech knowledge, I also had an interview for a data-related IT job. I am still waiting to hear about this but getting ready for that rekindled my interest in code and Linux….

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Writing Meets and Covid

Motivation can be a strange thing, especially with me. I am lucky that I have an understanding wife and I have an office in which to work. Many people have to write anywhere they can but I have my Batcave, Sanctuary, Den. Whatever you want to call it, but, for me it can be both…

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Life, the universe and everything

Isolation…. not as bad for me as other people, I still need to go into the office sometimes to sort deliveries of PPE to our staff. That and I need to do the odd thing for the daughter and grandson. On the days when I don’t do that I am it he house all day,…

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The end of the world

Sometimes I write this blog and I think maybe someone will stumble upon it one day, but given we are in the throes of a pandemic may be the apocalypse I have been reading about for so long is with us and before long we will all be wandering through a dystopian world trying to…

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Dick Turpin goes into publishing

I know I am not currently published, but I plan to be. So it’s quite worrying to read all of the news articles talking about how some publishers and magazines are demanding all rights when writers submit work to them. As much as I want to be published if I was to see something like…

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Leap year

Well, the new plan is going ok. starting to achieve some things now slowly. Not quite formed habits yet but who knows, I may be on the way 🙂 Sneezed today and caused an intercostal muscle strain… so now the ribs hurt and when I sneeze/cough it hurts allot! Just been doing some worldbuilding again…

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