February update

I have started moving in the right direction. But, not as fast as I expected. Not just because of laziness this time though. My mother in law was in the hospital for a few weeks and then the daughter was having a baby, they have been with us for a couple of weeks so this has taken up quite a bit of time.


But, I am still planning on starting this properly I should be able to get back into a routine as life has returned to relative normality and I will have more time. I will need to tack my time outside of work to see what I am doing and how long it is taking. This is because I want to plan in my goals and time to complete them but to do that I think I need to try and get some structure in there. So I can form new habits that will carry me on through the year.


As part of my journey, I asked a friend to help me by being an accountability partner and although this is a good idea and has been documented to work I don’t seem to be keeping it up. I set up a system to use WhatsApp with a weekly message but we are just not doing it properly. I may need to look at this and see if I can improve something to work better. I need to keep my journal with me and use it more, otherwise whats the point.

The other problem I have is that I’m easily distracted, I pick up a tech magazine or have a conversation with a friend and then all I’m thinking about is that I want to relearn how to code as that is something I used to really enjoy (and hate sometimes) but again when I have too many goals on the go at once I tend to get none of them done.

I’m not sure what the answer is for me, I’m a work in progress. Let’s hope the next update I have a more positive message to give.

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