Writing in the dark

I was in a routine with posting but then I stopped putting the reminder on my Kanban board and so no posts were made…. interesting!

I have been reading a book lately which is in favor of pantsing, it is called writing in the dark and it is around that theme.

What the book is saying is that you need to let go of all of your hangups with planning and drafting and just write, quiet your critical voice and let your creative voice free to do what it wants to do. This is something that I would have struggled with as I am a world builder and not a pantser as such. I like to know what is happening in a story. But, I also struggle with too much note-taking and world-building and not enough actual writing. Something I was supposed to be doing something about this year.

This in itself is free writing as I didn’t plan this post I just started writing after reading the book, and therefore writing in the dark. I am also using my new smaller laptop to see what it would be like using this one to do some writing as my main laptop is quite bulky. It is working well, it’s a Chromebook and it is a really nice and small/light machine. It may be something I need to use moving forward when I don’t want to lug along the big one.

It’s the beginning of July, this is Camp NaNo time and I am thinking I would like to give writing in the dark a try during this event. It is a good way for me to test this to see if this is something I will be able to use in November when I am planning to get a lot of writing done.

All in all, it has given me something to think about.

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