What I’m Reading


I have started to prioritise reading again in a bid to actually try and get through the massive amount of books I have. Each year I seem to buy significantly more than I read. I need to do something about that, so I have started reading a lot more.

I was trying to finish what I was reading before the end of the year but with all of the family stuff I had on, I was not able to do that. I have finished some of them but I tend to read too many things at once and so I lose track of what is going on. So, one of my goals for this year is to concentrate more on what I am reading and not have too many books on the go at once.

  1. Audiobook – The Great Hunt – Robert Jordan
  2. Fiction Book – Prador Moon – Neal Asher
  3. Fiction Book – Prophesy – Elizabeth Haydon
  4. Fiction Book – Consider Phlebas – Ian M Banks (re-read)
  5. Fiction Book – Moving Target (Vattas War) – Elizabeth Moon (re-read)
  6. Book – How to write a book review – Sarah S Davis

For now I will be getting these finished as they are almost all on the last leg. The Vatta book that I am re-reading I am flying through, I read the first one in less than 2 days. I forgot how good they are. It’s getting me into the mood for writing my sci-fi stuff.

I am currently coming up with a list of books that I can work through in 2023 once I have finished the above. I will do another post for this list.

Back to work properly tomorrow after the holidays. Back into a routine!

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