What’s the score…

It’s been months since I have posted on this blog, not that anyone reads it but the act of putting down some words is usually cathartic for me. I plan a lot and normally don’t get far but at least it gets me doing something. Lately, my main focus has been reading, I joined a…

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Well 2024 is in full swing now, a month done and as usual it seems to be barreling by really fast. I have planned and for the most part, I have been keeping a small daily journal going although this is more like a small glance as it is for the 5 year diary. I…

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It is now the latter half of January, that point when Christmas is long in the past and you are desperate for payday. roll on this Friday so I can have money again. November and NaNo came and went, I didn’t put in enough time before so not enough planning was done. Early on in…

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Productivity and the Challenge

I watch some you-tubers and I have watched/read interviews with authors on how they are so productive. I have tried at home to be more productive but despite having no young kids anymore I can’t seem to get it to work for me, I can have a solid 4 hours in my office and manage…

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Sad writing magazine news

Some sad news in the world of writing and magazines. It’s not like people found out from any kind of announcement, I hadn’t seen an official announcement on the internet. The latest issue came out and in the editor’s message he broke the news that this magazine was the last and the publisher had decided…

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General Update

Hi All, since winning Nano in November I bet you can guess how much writing I have done to maintain that awesome achievement…. yes, you are right, almost nothing :O Gods Pawn Since then I have done a few thousand words on the project and I am not going to hit my target of having…

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What I’m Reading

I have started to prioritise reading again in a bid to actually try and get through the massive amount of books I have. Each year I seem to buy significantly more than I read. I need to do something about that, so I have started reading a lot more. I was trying to finish what…

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and so it begins.

The book has arrived and I have started it. It’s very strange starting to read and book with the knowledge that I am not likely to be seeing Dragons or space flight. But this could be a good thing, reading books that are in genres that I would normally not read. On with the challenge…

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Christmas has gone and the new year beckons.

That time of year has finished again. Our favorite holiday in this house. Our kids have grown up and had kids of their own but this doesn’t stop us from celebrating Christmas like we always have. For the last few months (or so) we have been watching Christmas movies. Decorations were up in November before…

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