
19 out of 31 = 67% So at the beginning of May I set myself a may challenge, to write on this blog everyday. On the whole I managed to get something down, although towards the end I began to slip more. To say I wasn’t really posting anything beforehand this has worked as it…

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18 Year old inventor

Sometimes I read articles that just make my head spin…… I have a 18 and 19 year old in the house and to be honest its an achievement if they can get out of bed (i’m exaggerating of course) but seriously they are normal teenagers. Justin Beckerman is 18 and yet has build several fully…

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I have no excuse for the lack of posts really….. A close friend of ours passed away and we went to her funeral a couple of days ago, then a couple of bikers died in an accident up north who I had seen when I goto pitstop cafe but never actually spoke to. I got…

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Xbox One

When I got in from work tonight I watched the Microsoft live broadcast for the review of the new console. Xbox One, so named as they are promoting it as the centerpiece of any home media system, the one device that will do everything. I have to admit I don’t usually flock to be the…

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Keep the Faith & Yahoo

I have managed to keep up the posting, although i’m not taking my own advice and still doing it last thing at night and so on some nights I have forgot. I really need to take control of my time management somehow. Anyway tonight’s post will be about Yahoo, you remember that site. It’s the…

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The BT Phone Book

I was wondering today about the phone book, I dont know where it is in my house as it isnt something that we bother with anymore. We have the numbers we need in our phones and any other number can usually be found using the internet. I was reading an article on writing the other…

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May Blogging update

I am surprised since I started this challenge at how I have stuck with it. I have missed a few days which is a pity but this is my own fault as I seem to be leaving the Blog posts until right before I go to bed. In these cases I have started doing something…

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US Government says no to 3D Gun Designs

In a not so surprising move the US Government has sent a latter to Defence Distributed suggesting that publishing the plans was in violation of arms control regulations. I’m not sure what they think the point is, as up to now they have been downloaded over 100,000 times, and even though the company have took…

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Jack’s Back!

I got some good news today, Jack Bauer is coming back in 2014 for another series of 24, although this time it seems Fox has purchased 12 episodes, still however covering a 24 hour period. It isn’t going to be the same but I am glad they came up with something other than a feature…

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