Blog 3 – 3rd September 2015

Sat down to do tonight’s writing and I am struggling to stay awake, but I was determined to get something down so I can try and keep up with this challenge. I am away Sunday/Monday so will also have to make sure I try and keep up with it then as well. Quite happy that…

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I have no excuse for the lack of posts really….. A close friend of ours passed away and we went to her funeral a couple of days ago, then a couple of bikers died in an accident up north who I had seen when I goto pitstop cafe but never actually spoke to. I got…

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To assist in my 2015 goals (I nearly called them resolutions there) I decided to try a challenge, a Writer I was looking at a while ago was doing a story a week which I thought was amazing. Unfortunately that is an unrealistic goal for me, but I could do a story a month. So…

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The Madness that is 118 118

When I was a kid it cost 10p to use a BT phone box and there were not mobile phones, if you needed directory enquirers to find a number you didn’t need to take out a mortgage to do so. Today since the privatization there are now several companies offering this service. the most prevalent…

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General Update

Hi All, since winning Nano in November I bet you can guess how much writing I have done to maintain that awesome achievement…. yes, you are right, almost nothing :O Gods Pawn Since then I have done a few thousand words on the project and I am not going to hit my target of having…

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