Procrastination wins

The challenge is approaching and I still haven’t had a word with Trace. I need to get a plan in place this weekend on how I am going to do this. Otherwise, I won’t do this. Just like I never got around to starting Camp Nano. So far Procrastination is winning. Onto the next battle.

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Productivity and the Challenge

I watch some you-tubers and I have watched/read interviews with authors on how they are so productive. I have tried at home to be more productive but despite having no young kids anymore I can’t seem to get it to work for me, I can have a solid 4 hours in my office and manage…

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You write, so you are a writer!

I have been thinking for a while as do most writers what constitutes a writer, when would I consider myself to be a writer. When is it a hobby as opposed to a calling etc… Imposter Syndrome is a big thing for writers, how many times have I been asked what I do outside of…

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NaNo Failure

Partway into October, I started planning my Nano project, but being as it’s me I got bogged down in world-building and plotting characters. The result was the start of Nano and I only had the Prologue, chapter 1, and how I wanted it to end. Because of this lack of planning and no proper outlining,…

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2 1/2 months since the last post… I named this blog well. Looking back through the posts it’s a lot of me making plans that don’t seem to go anywhere. Wish I could work out a way to get this done.

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Procrastination and NaNo

“Anyone who procrastinates will find it difficult to get published. You have to work, every day, on improving your craft. Otherwise, you won’t improve” This quote was in Writing Magazine on October 19 by Vaseem Khan. It struck a chord with me as I am one of these people. I do the odd post on…

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Social media = Procrastination

I have been thinking for a while now what it would be like to not be on social media, how much more could I get done with my time. But.. I am suffering from the “fear of missing out” how much would I really miss if I took the plunge and deleted the apps from…

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Movement finally

I went to Costa a few days ago and took my notepad, I wasn’t planning on doing anything much but ended up hand writing a flash fiction story while there, the most I have done in a cafe before now was notes. I was quite happy with the result. Once home I typed it up…

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