
Apple gear

I used to be one of the crowd, chanting about the expensiveness of Apple and how they were up themselves and how it isn’t worth the price…. I then got a couple of Apple devices, I still moan at the cost but when I use them I can see why they are the price they…

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NaNo update 1

Less than two months, the emails have started from NaNo and the regional group I am in has started trying to get some venues for write ins sorted. I am planning now that I have picked a story idea, although I am constantly itching to go back to a SciFi story. But I really want…

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Brexit – A small rant!

My recent trainer purchase has prompted this, I did have all of this as part of that post but then it just seemed like I had gone off on a total tangent, so I have separated it. I try not to get involved in the politics, it just doesn’t interest me, I find it hard…

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The Madness that is 118 118

When I was a kid it cost 10p to use a BT phone box and there were not mobile phones, if you needed directory enquirers to find a number you didn’t need to take out a mortgage to do so. Today since the privatization there are now several companies offering this service. the most prevalent…

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