It’s in the name
The last post I did was around a month ago and was around NaNoWriMo prep. You will probably not be surprised to hear that one month on I have done…….. almost no prep. I am my own worst enemy. I even stopped checking Facebook on my main account and this was successful, but that extra…
NaNoWriMo 2017 Prep post
It’s that time of the year again when I make all these positive and “achievable” goals, a part of my writing journey whether I “win” or “lose” I love taking part. NaNoWriMo, the principal being, write! Don’t edit, don’t fact check, don’t let that pesky inner editor get a look in. Now depending on the…
When I was writing everyday there was no literary gems as such but it was a way of getting me writing everyday, since I stopped doing that I have stopped doing everything. That isn’t what I was hoping to get from that exercise. I was hoping that would get me into a routine, suffice to…
6th June 2017 – My Procrastination
After the last couple of posts I have been trying to think on why I Procrastinate so much and it’s not because I don’t want to write, I want more than anything to see my books in the local Waterstones next to my favourite authors. To be able to leave work and write full time…
4th June 2017 – Writers Group
For a long time I have tried joining writers groups on FB and looked for years for something local to me. I have tried a couple and either not felt comfortable or the more common theme is groups that start then peter out very quickly. Joining a group for NaNo years ago has netted a…
3rd June 2017 – Camp NaNoWriMo July 17
I have tried several times to get myself sorted ready for Camp Nano and not managed to get anything ready. The next is July so I am determined to get something ready, a realistic target for myself to get into gear for November (a long way off I know but it will soon come around)…
I’m doing it again, I had a conversation with a friend today about magic systems and had just about decided to restart my NaNo project Dragon Lords. Then I read an excerpt from an upcoming book from a favourite author, this made me pick up my NaNo book 13th Earth – Before the Dawn, reading…
Camp NaNoWriMo
I never seem to remember when these start even though it would be good to participate as you can set your own goals so it wouldn’t have to be a mad dash to get 50k down in a month. But again I didn’t realise until a friend posted in a writers Facebook group. So now…
NaNoWrMiMo Writing meetup
I may not be doing the NaNo now but I have come to one of the last meet ups. It feels strange to have a few people sat round a table and no one talking, I almost feel like I should be making conversation. But the idea of these meet ups is to write, with…