Camp Procrastination time

It’s July already and that means it’s time for Camp NaNo. Something I have rarely ever tried which is weird given the self-imposed deadlines. But it is something I would like to get into, so it helps with getting some words down. I have decided to try and get something done this time by pantsing…

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Writing in the dark

I was in a routine with posting but then I stopped putting the reminder on my Kanban board and so no posts were madeā€¦. interesting! I have been reading a book lately which is in favor of pantsing, it is called writing in the dark and it is around that theme. What the book is…

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Quick update

I have been regular (until now) with posts on this blog and I have slowly moved forward a bit with writing. I have been watching a motivational video every day and it helps a bit. I do need to start planning my time better so that I am making more time for actual writing. I…

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Hi, my name is Graham…

I’ve been told I have a problem, my family hasn’t gone as far as an intervention but I always feel they are on the verge. I am on course talking about my addiction to buying books. I saw a meme a while ago that said book buying and book reading were two different hobbies and…

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Sticker Bombing

I am generally not a person who gets rid of anything electronic, because of the price of second-hand electronics being low I just use things until they are broken. I would always put a load of stickers on laptops, I just liked the way it looked. Since starting this I have gone a bit mad….

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I want to talk about psychology, don’t worry I am not going to go into some deep technical essay on the mind and how it works in this crazy world. I am more going to talk about my own mind and how frustrating it is. The enemy within, my procrastination! It’s a hard one to…

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2022 Goals

When I was looking at the year ahead in December I was, as usual, up for planning and making grand goals that I would achieve in this new year, new me, new life. Blah blah blah. my goal was: Writing 2 Weekly Blog 12 Short Stories Xmas Story NaNo April/Nov Shattered Worlds Novel Fitness Gym…

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and so it begins.

The book has arrived and I have started it. It’s very strange starting to read and book with the knowledge that I am not likely to be seeing Dragons or space flight. But this could be a good thing, reading books that are in genres that I would normally not read. On with the challenge…

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100 Books challenge

I have decided as I am a massive bookworm I would like to take on a new challenge. We are at Blackpool at the moment and while browsing I came across the below article. now looking at this list there are some I have already read and a lot that is out of my…

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