progress… or not….

This is my first post in 2019 and I will have to start on a slight negative. I am 12 days into the month and I have been watching tv in the office and haven’t managed to get much writing done. Although I have been doing some of my favourite procrastination, world building. Tomorrow is…

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Productivity and the Challenge

I watch some you-tubers and I have watched/read interviews with authors on how they are so productive. I have tried at home to be more productive but despite having no young kids anymore I can’t seem to get it to work for me, I can have a solid 4 hours in my office and manage…

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Black Friday!

Just watched a video from Philip Defranco on Youtube…. It was showing the fighting at Wallmart in the states when Americans were in what can only be described as a mosh pit trying to get to the deals in the electronics section. It makes for sobering viewing when you see these people pushing and shoving…

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Tv Binge!

It’s midnight and I am closing in on the end of another procrastination mission, I started to watch Californication as I started it previously but didn’t get too far. It has taken just over a week so burn through seven seasons of the show, got to say it is fantastic, but again has taken me…

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Hi, my name is Graham…

I’ve been told I have a problem, my family hasn’t gone as far as an intervention but I always feel they are on the verge. I am on course talking about my addiction to buying books. I saw a meme a while ago that said book buying and book reading were two different hobbies and…

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