It’s the Endgame

No Spoilers! It’s been a long hard slog, since 2008 when Iron Man was released to last night when I attended the double bill of Infinity War and then Endgame, the final film in Marvels phase 3. People have complained before even seeing the film that at 3 hours it’s too long. But for me,…

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No plan B

I was sent a video from a friend, this particular friend is always trying to help me achieve my dreams by pushing me. Quite a difficult job as I am very demotivated allot of the time but he keeps trying. This morning he sent me this video. I sat here and watched it and felt…

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Despite all of my future planning and declarations I haven’t managed to do any writing as such this year so far, just some more world building. I think again I am stuck with too many on going projects and how-to books on the go at once, so instead of concentrating on one thing I end…

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7 Days

It’s been a week since my last post and although I had a busy week at work, the weekend has been a bit of a disappointment. I have several thing sI need to be doing and although I haven’t had anything to do I still haven’t achieved anything from my list. It’s quickly getting to…

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progress… or not….

This is my first post in 2019 and I will have to start on a slight negative. I am 12 days into the month and I have been watching tv in the office and haven’t managed to get much writing done. Although I have been doing some of my favourite procrastination, world building. Tomorrow is…

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2019 Goals

It’s almost time for the obligatory plans/goals etc etc…… But this time it’s different….. he says! On a serious note, I have been very disgusted with the amount of time I have wasted this year on procrastination. Too much TV, films, sitting at my computer doing nothing much. I used to have kids or family…

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Post Nano

It’s the 6th December so this is a bit late but happy to say that I managed to complete NaNo 2018. Really happy that I managed to keep it going this year. I had steady progress throughout the month. I also think that this year the writing group and the Darlo NaNo group were a…

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Day 11

Before I started Nano I had this great idea to vlog it, record some videos and then at the end I could do one video to upload to my channel. My journey so to speak. What is my progress you ask… nothing, as usual, my plans have gone to pot. I also had the idea…

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