Laptops and more Laptops

I have a problem…. they say the first step to getting help is to admit you have a problem. I do! I have a hoarding mentality and because of this, I have several collections. Dice/Cards/Books/Cups and many other things. So tech is something that didn’t escape. In my office, I have 3 desks now. The…

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Working on updates

It’s been a while again, I haven’t gone very far with my writing as usual. I have been working more on updating my tech knowledge, I also had an interview for a data-related IT job. I am still waiting to hear about this but getting ready for that rekindled my interest in code and Linux….

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The decline in Computing in schools

I was reading the news today on the BBC and noticed their article about the falling numbers in students completing the Computing qualification. It seems that in the last few years there has been a steady decline in the numbers of students completing this course. It’s strange to think that when the Computing course was…

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Despite all of my future planning and declarations I haven’t managed to do any writing as such this year so far, just some more world building. I think again I am stuck with too many on going projects and how-to books on the go at once, so instead of concentrating on one thing I end…

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Favorite quote

  Ocassionally I come across a good quote but my memory being what it is I often forgot. .. This one always stuck in my mind and was usually the signature on my tech posts. Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the…

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404 not found

I am behind on reading my magazines but just started on my .net ones. One of the small news items that I saw was really interesting, so I thought I would share it here. The idea is that children go missing all the time and making use of the digital age the guys at notfound…

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Linux Commands – Nslookup

I have been “learning” Linux for some time now, but to get myself more familiar I have installed it on a Laptop I have and another pc. One of my file servers has also been installed with the command line only version, this is to force me to learn the commands and then to remember…

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3D Printed Gun Fired Successfully

The group Defense Distributed in Austin, Texas has printed a 3D gun and successfully fired it. It took them a year to develop and they have said that they plan to release the blueprints online. Sure to be a massive warning bell for the manufacturing industry as 3d printing becomes more and more consumer friendly….

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I have many hobbies and like a typical Procrastinator I only ever seem to start them and not go far, this blog for instance is me trying to further a couple of these goals. Writing has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember so to take things forward seems like…

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