Despite all of my future planning and declarations I haven’t managed to do any writing as such this year so far, just some more world building. I think again I am stuck with too many on going projects and how-to books on the go at once, so instead of concentrating on one thing I end up doing nothing.
Part of it is also I am looking for work currently and I have decided that it would help my working career if I was to upskill my ICT knowledge. It’s been a long time since I completed my degree and my skills have lapsed. To try and remedy this I have installed MySQL and I have started working through one of my books to re-learn this. Between this and web programming I hope to get back to coding as that was one of the most enjoyable years of my adult life. I used to love working on web/VB coding.

To start my journey towards this I have got another laptop and installed Linux Mint on it, I can now use this to properly learn Linux and the other projects I want to do. But I think to do this I need to start doing something daily and sticking to fewer projects. But at least Ia m
So… at the same tie I am planning all of this I really need to make sure I am still doing some writing as it has taken me a while to get to the point where I am actually starting to write as opposed to just world building all of the time. I will try and update here more often to track my progress.