
NaNoWriMo 2014

It’s getting to that time of the year again, I have started my prep for NaNoWriMo. This is a yearly challenge to write 50,000 word in 30 days, this will be the 5th year I have participated but hopefully the first year I complete it. Previously I have always been at Uni or otherwise too…

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Mobile Blogging

Because I am so flakey with blogging I have decided that I will compose at least one blog a day on my mobile device. This will keep me writing and will force me to look at a topic to cover each day. Here’s to trying something new. This was from my anniversary weekend away with…

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Think of the Children….

This rant is brought to you from the Writing Magazine (August 14) the article was called Think of the Children. It covers an author called Loraine Mace and the books she wrote starring Vlad the Inhaler, this is a YA fantasy book with vampires in it. Seems she was subject to the age old fools…

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Favorite quote

  Ocassionally I come across a good quote but my memory being what it is I often forgot. .. This one always stuck in my mind and was usually the signature on my tech posts. Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the…

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The drawn-out dream

I was reading a writing article which talked about not ending your book with a cliché. The article then went on to list some of them. One of them struck a cord with me, this was the drawn out dream, meaning at the end of the book your protagonist wakes up and finds out the…

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Post Apocolyptic

I used to like watching the odd post apocalyptic series or movie, but now it seems they are everywhere.  The walking dead the most visible i assume but others are all over. Last night I heard of a series called the last ship that follows survivors of the end of the human race that are…

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This weekend is Tough Guy Nettle Warrior, the twice yearly race that separates the men (Tough Guy) from the boys (Tough Mudder) I look forward to marshalling this race, and spending time with the people down there. Not just because of the chance to play with cameras and get some amazing pictures, but I get to…

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The “Family” Drill and DIY

Would you trust this man? Kidding, this is my older brother, he came to mine to build a fence for me, I was doing the very important job of labourer, I leave the planning and DIY up to him. I always laugh as I am the only one of my family to be technically minded,…

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Workplace Challenge

Last month at work they let us know about a challenge that different workplaces were doing, to try and get people more active I believe. Some of the team leaders at work have got people involved and although I asked my team there is only myself and one other from my team up for the…

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Don’t you hate it when you know you have a busy say but cannot get to sleep, I went up and did fall asleep but woke up not long after and proceeded to not be able to get back to sleep. I shifted around for a while and then just came down stairs. Now I…

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