

So I have fully moved onto world building for the new Fantasy novel, NaNo is out of the window. I did do some writing at the writing group meetups for NaNo but by then I had started looking at a new book. It’s strange as I have been concentrating on Sci-fi for a long time…

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Over a month…

I can’t sleep, been to bed for a while and couldn’t drift off so I opened the iPad. I have done it again, over a month between posts. I read somewhere that keeping a blog can be harmful to your writing career as instead of writing you are spending valuable creative time writing on a…

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I was at a loss today as Tracy is working so I posted in the writing group to let people know that I would be in William Steads doing some writing today. Not bad for me being proactive, but now Iv’e had my breakfast and it’s time to think about what I am wanting to…

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