
Well 2024 is in full swing now, a month done and as usual it seems to be barreling by really fast. I have planned and for the most part, I have been keeping a small daily journal going although this is more like a small glance as it is for the 5 year diary. I have been updating my normal diary and tracking my habits.

Although I am logging what I am doing and able to see “progress” unfortunately, the habit tracking is showing that I am not putting enough effort in when it comes to actual writing and exercise. This is something I need to look into as we move into Feb. I do want to make something of this year and I just need to take it more seriously.

Unfortunately for me, I think this is going to mean dropping casual TV watching. I will still keep some watching with the wife but watching when on my own in my office is going to have to go as this is prime time when I could be furthering my dreams. I will see how this affects the habits this month.

For the Exercise I need to get myself into a routine, I have only managed once a week so far and that just isn’t good enough and isn’t good value for money. I started badminton again this week and I enjoy that but I need to get to the gym. To do this I need to get into the habit of getting to bed at 11, then I will get enough sleep, and getting up will be easier.

So, all in all not a bad month but improvement needs to be better. The lighter mornings and nights are coming in now so that will help a bit with motivation

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