Camp NaNoWriMo

As you will have seen from previous post I have taken part in NaNoWriMo in November for the past 6 years, I have never took part in the April Camp NaNo event. This year I am going to, it is similar to November only, you set your own goals and depending on the genre you…

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You Tube

As well as writing I have also been wanting to start vlogging and making videos, to go along with the rest of my portfolio, so that when I am famous (haha) people can look at what I was like before. I have my normal channel but I have made another for my writing related videos,…

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This Blog

July 2011….. This is when I started this Blog, and from reading the first post I was proclaiming myself taking control of my procrastination and doing something with my life. If you were to scroll through the post chances are you would periodically see the same declaration, I would really like to know why committing…

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I am planning my Sci-Fi universe and although I have come up with loads of races and ideas for stories I am still wanting to do something in fantasy. I started making some notes and when I got to the the races I wanted in the story I got stuck…. as it was fantasy I…

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Statement of purpose

As part of my writing journey I have finally started to work through one of the “how to” books I have owned for a long time. One of the things the author says is a good thing to do is to come up with a statement of purpose, something to inspire me to carry on,…

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Be Careful……..

When you InstGoogleTweetFace…… Lol I attended an unlimited Secret screening last Saturday and when the film started there was an audible groan as it wasn’t Deadpool, but the film that was on was triple 9. Not a film I would watch again it is worth a watch, if only for the quote above. I loved…

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