Tough Guy 2016

It’s that time of year again, time to Marshall/ film at Tough Guy.  Me and Tracy and Hannah are here now milling around getting sorted. Busy weekend ahead, but always have a good time while working hard on the farm. Amazing people ?   

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Cinemas and stuff…

I recently got my Cineworld Unlimited card back, this is a monthly payment to the cinema in which I can watch as many films as I want, 10% off the food/drink and 25% off some restaurants. To assist with writing on this blog I am going to start doing some film reviews, this will get…

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What now….

NaNo is done, I have a couple of A4 printed versions of my book (13th Earth – Before the Dawn) so I can do some red penning and start to try and sort it out, I think I will set myself some goals and try to get it into a place where I can self…

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NaNoWriMo 2015

I had so many plans for this years NaNo, you tube videos, blog posts etc, I should have known I wouldn’t have the time to do this, but I am optimistic each year. Well the image says it all, I was worried from the first day that I would fail again as I could never…

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Make or break

As usual I have fallen behind, don’t seem to get as much time on a night as I would like and when I am writing I cannot seem to quiet my inner voice telling me what I am writing is crap! Not the story, just the writing I am not happy with it. This weekend…

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NaNo Update

Short one as I want to do some writing before I turn in for the night. 9 Days in and I am a few thousand behind, I need to try and do a little more for the next few days and then at the weekend have a long sprint to bring myself back on track….

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NaNoWriMo 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015 has started, 30 days to do 50k words. Here we go again 🙂 Going to do a few words then get up early to get a good start with it. I have spent some time outlining this year so I have direction throughout the whole story. Previously I have known where eI am…

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Yea… so that didn’t work, over a month and no posts. Now we are less than a day from the beginning of NaNoWriMo and I need to start posting, an update on what I am dong will be incoming later today and then I will be trying to update my progress during the month on…

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