Cafe Writer

I have finally joined the long tradition of writing on a laptop in a cafe, well a Costa. Something about sitting here writing just makes it feel good, wish I could get the motivation more often, I might actually have something finished that way. Maybe this is what I should be doing instead of trying…

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To assist in my 2015 goals (I nearly called them resolutions there) I decided to try a challenge, a Writer I was looking at a while ago was doing a story a week which I thought was amazing. Unfortunately that is an unrealistic goal for me, but I could do a story a month. So…

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NaNo failing

Well for all my planning it’s happening again. A mix of time to get the writing done and lack of planning. The first three chapters went quite well, but then I hit a wall and just didn’t know how to move the story forward. I have been stuck at this for days. As a result…

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I know what I have to do….. I know when I need to do it by….. and yet it is a day until the start of NaNo and although I have done significantly more planning than other years I still don’t think I have done enough, I wanted a fully planned out novel this time…

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Nom de plume

“An assumed name used by a writer instead of their real name; a pen-name:” Oxford Dictionary I will start this by saying I understand why some writers feel the need to use a pen name, maybe they are are writing in a genre they are not usually known for. Or they want to see how well…

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