
Cineworld Unlimited

Cineworld Cinemas have a scheme where you pay £17.40 a month and can go to the cinema as much as you like, this also includes 10% off food & drink and 25% off a few places to eat. I had this card before and really didn’t get the use out of it, Cineworld will have…

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“Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain behaviour” I’m a big guy, I wasn’t always like this it started with getting with my wife and slowly crept up on me. I know the saying goes I woke up one day and I was fat, people say how can that happen. You must have seen…

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A couple of months ago I wrote down a quote, just something that I was inspired from something I heard of TV. “You cannot withstand the storm” “I am the storm” Tasia to Corwin at the battle of Terminus. Then last night I just started writing and before I knew it I have two sides…

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Nearly a month between posts again, I said I was going to be more productive. In the last few days I have been trying to decide how I can move forward, I asked on a forum about motivation and some of the responses were questioning whether I have the passion for writing, or if it…

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I think the only constant I have is this blog, even though I am aware no one reads it yet. I try to get to it more but I have a memory like a sieve. I need to put more effort into Writing, otherwise I will not achieve anything. I was saying to a writer…

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