How to get regular

I know what you’re thinking, plenty of fibre…. but no that not what I am referring to. Apparently you only need to do something for 3 weeks for it to become regular, so I am going to try it. Although at this point I am not sure what to try. Blogging Writing Prose Or maybe…

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Text speak

I don’t like it…. I am one of those people that when I write a text it is grammatically correct, this mystifies some of the people I know. Whereas when I see people typing in text it drives me crazy. I know people that write in full text speak and more often than not I…

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Finally there has been some movement on the Starweb book by Warren James Palmer, after so long we will get to see what happened to Moss, Jenifer and all the gang. In a previous post I talked about the Dyason series when the author was going to re release them under a kickstarter, well that…

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Creative thinking….

Where do you do your creative thinking? I have an office and this is where I should be doing my work but I made the mistake of filling my “man cave” with stuff! When I am in here supposed to be working I end up watching TV or browsing or playing games. Occasionally I do…

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Movement finally

I went to Costa a few days ago and took my notepad, I wasn’t planning on doing anything much but ended up hand writing a flash fiction story while there, the most I have done in a cafe before now was notes. I was quite happy with the result. Once home I typed it up…

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