Sad writing magazine news

Some sad news in the world of writing and magazines. It’s not like people found out from any kind of announcement, I hadn’t seen an official announcement on the internet. The latest issue came out and in the editor’s message he broke the news that this magazine was the last and the publisher had decided…

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General Update

Hi All, since winning Nano in November I bet you can guess how much writing I have done to maintain that awesome achievement…. yes, you are right, almost nothing :O Gods Pawn Since then I have done a few thousand words on the project and I am not going to hit my target of having…

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It’s the end….. of 2022

I am an easily led person when it comes to writing. If I am watching/reading fantasy I really want to write fantasy. If I am watching/reading science fiction then I want to write that too. I always think it is a good idea to have a project of each on the go for this reason,…

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NaNoWriMo 2022

I have been doing NaNo for 12 years and in that time I have managed to finish twice. this year I decided I needed some motivation after watching a video on how to incentivize yourself. I bought a £50 voucher for Amazon and then gave it to my wife. I told her if I finished…

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It’s 23:03 on a Sunday night, 2nd October. It was a writing meet day so I got quite a bit done this morning in Darlo. I didn’t get much done once home but I have a start now. Preptober is the name given for the month of October leading up to National Novel Writing Month….

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NaNo prep time

It’s that time of the year again. Time for me to say I am preparing while making procrastination an art…. I mean time to get planning my Acomia Fantasy project. I need to flesh out some of the world-building as I have changed a few things and then minimally plot out the story. In the…

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Hello there

It’s been nearly two months, I thought I was at a place of regular writing but that hasn’t been the case. Camp Nano was a bust, I didn’t do much at all for it. I was chosen to be on a jury for the British Fantasy Society award, Best Anthology. So I have been reading…

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Camp Procrastination time

It’s July already and that means it’s time for Camp NaNo. Something I have rarely ever tried which is weird given the self-imposed deadlines. But it is something I would like to get into, so it helps with getting some words down. I have decided to try and get something done this time by pantsing…

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Writing in the dark

I was in a routine with posting but then I stopped putting the reminder on my Kanban board and so no posts were made…. interesting! I have been reading a book lately which is in favor of pantsing, it is called writing in the dark and it is around that theme. What the book is…

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Quick update

I have been regular (until now) with posts on this blog and I have slowly moved forward a bit with writing. I have been watching a motivational video every day and it helps a bit. I do need to start planning my time better so that I am making more time for actual writing. I…

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